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Environmental Policy

At J A Kemp we are committed individually and collectively to caring for the environment. We monitor carefully and comply with all regulatory requirements relevant to our business. We are continually assessing our operations with the aim of conducting our business in an environmentally friendly way. We have a ‘Green Team’ who meet to develop and promote environmentally friendly policies and processes.

We recycle redundant office equipment, electrical items and consumables. We minimise the number of local printers and replace them with group printing facilities wherever possible.

We run awareness campaigns to encourage best practice in saving energy through simple steps such as switching off lights and electronic equipment. We have installed movement sensors for lights where is practicable to do so. We are implementing centralised powering down of computer equipment outside office hours.

We are a leading firm in the provision of patent and trade mark services to the Cleantech sector and an Associate Founder Member of Cambridge Cleantech.

To find out more about the firm's commitment to and involvement with the environmental sector, please contact Martin Jackson or Ravi Srinivasan.